Infrastruktur im Groben.


Szenarien verlorener Infrastruktur— Projekte

Keepalive, Aram Bartholl

The boulder from the region Neuenkirchen, Niedersachsen contains a thermoelectric generator which converts heat directly into electricity. Visitors are invited to make a fire next to the boulder to power up the wifi router in the stone which then reveals a large collection of PDF survival guides. The inspired router which is NOT connected to the Internet offers the users to download the guides and upload any content they like to the stone database. As long as the fire produces enough heat the router will stay switched on.

Keepalive Keepalive

Aram Bartholl


Peepoo is a personal, single-use, self-sanitising, fully biodegradable toilet that prevents faeces from contaminating the immediate area as well as the surrounding ecosystem. After use, Peepoo turns into valuable fertiliser that can improve livelihoods and increase food security.



Maps series, Paula Scher

Maps Maps

In Orbit, Tomas Saraceno

In Orbit In Orbit

In Orbit

GeoVisual Search, Descartes Labs


Search Search

GeoVisual Search
Medium Article

Citizens Of Nowhere, Yuri Pattison

„Citizens of Nowhere“ is the first solo exhibition by Yuri Pattison in Austria. The exhibition explores contemporary relationships between truth and artifice conveyed through visual cultures, communication technologies, information circulation and the organisation of space.

Citizens Of Nowhere Citizens Of Nowhere

Citizens of Nowhere by Yuri Pattison at Kevin Space

TAZ (Temporary Autonomous Zone), Hakim Bey


Wikipedia, Temporary Autonomous Zone
Beautiful Trouble, Theory: Temporary autonomous zone

High Line New York

High Line

Friends of the High Line


Hyperloop is a proposed mode of passenger and freight transportation that would propel a pod-like vehicle through a reduced-pressure tube that would exceed airliner speed.

In Orbit In Orbit

Company trying to commercialize Hyperloop: Hyperloop One

Der erweiterte Kunstbegriff, Joseph Beuys

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)

Kunstprojekt Favela



More Than Shelters, Daniel Kerber

More Than Shelters More Than Shelters

Artikel auf

Ausstellung: Versöhnung, die wir verpasst haben, Yevgenia Belorusets

Belorusets Belorusets

Yevgenia Belorusets

Technological Mandala No. 2, Leonardo Ulian

Mandala Mandala

Leonardo Ulian

Pewter Stool, Max Lamb

Pewter Stool Pewter Stool

Max Lamb

The Idea Of A Tree, Mischer‘Traxler

‚The idea of a tree‘ is an autonomous production process which combines natural input with a mechanical process. It is driven by solar energy and translates the intensity of the sun through a mechanical apparatus into one object a day. The outcome reflects the various sunshine conditions that occur during this day. Like a tree the object becomes a three dimensional recording of its process and time of creation.

The machine ‚Recorder One‘ starts producing when the sun rises and stops when the sun settles down. After sunset, the finished object can be ‚harvested‘. It slowly grows the object, by pulling threads through a colouring device, a glue basin and finally winding them around a mould.

Idea Of A Tree Idea Of A Tree

Mischer Traxler

Things Come Apart, Todd McLellan

Einzelteile eines Produkts

Wagon Accordion


Giants series, Choi+Shine Architects

Giants of The Wind Land Of Giants Land Of Giants

The Giants of The Wind creates iconic, graceful structure befitting the soft movement of wind turbines, transforming mundane infrastructures into kinetic sculptures on the landscape. Wind is a growing source of green energy. However, wind turbines are becoming excessively dominant on the landscape as their size and numbers increase. Rather than locating wind turbines out of sight, this project creates landmark, transforming the sites into destinations.


Batman, Christophe Guinet

Batman Batman

Urbanshit - Anzug aus Baumrinde

Solar Window Charger, Boa Oh & Kyuho Song


Konzept: Idealstadt

Idealstadt Idealstadt

Google Suche: Idealstadt


Fahrrad Brücken

Bicycle Snake Bicycle Snake


Utopia City, Vincent Callebaut

Utopia City Utopia City


Raumrohling für Stuttgart, Isabel Zintl

Raumrohling Raumrohling


Cloudscapes, Transsolar & Tetsuo Kondo



An Ecosystem of Excess, Pinar Yoldas

ein nach-menschliches Ökosystem aus spekulativen Organismen und ihrer imaginierten Umgebung. Der Great Pacific Garbage Patch, ein Müllstrudel aus mehre- ren Millionen Tonnen Kunststoffmüll im Nordpazifik, der in etwa der Fläche Mitteleuropas entspricht, steht im Zentrum ihres Interesses und ist damit Geburtsort für eine Spezies des Überflusses.


Die in der Schering Stiftung ausgestellten Objekte bilden diese zukünftige Lebenswelt ab, wobei die Werke fast als logische Konsequenzen und nicht als Visionen erscheinen.

Pinar Yoldas

Shanty Megastructures, Olalekan Jeyifous

2011-2015. Dystopie über die Zukunft der Urbanisierung
Moderne, hochauftragende Gebäudestrukturen werden mit Computerprogrammen in Slumgebiete verwandelt.

Shanty Shanty

Olalekan Jeyifous

TerraVision, ART+COM

TerraVision ist eine virtuelle Abbildung der Erde. der Nutzer navigiert sich erstmals volkommen frei / basiert auf Satellitenbildern, Luftaufnahmen, Höhen- und Architekturdaten. Dient der Vernetzung von Informationen. Interfacemodule: Globus, 3D Maus, Touchscreen.



K67 Kiosk, Sasa J. Mächtig

Modulares Konzept, das als Lösung für den Verkauf und andere Dienstleistungen in den Straßen vom slowenischen Ljubiljana gedacht war. Einzeln oder oder zu größeren Formationen gekoppelten dienten sie als Zeitungskiosk, Kopierladen oder Marktstand.

K67 K67

The Toaster Project, Thomas Thwaites

Toaster Toaster

The Toaster Project
Thomas Thwaites

Lapin Kulta Solar Kitchen Restaurant

Solar Kitchen

Lapin Kulta Solar Kitchen

Public Computer Errors, Flickr group

Public Computer Errors


Transborder Immigrant Tool, banglab

Transborder Immigrant Tool - Transition from banglab on Vimeo.


Create high-fidelity, interactive recordings of any web site you browse

Refugee Wear Series, Studio Orta

Refugee Wear Series Refugee Wear Series

Studio Orta

MIT Senseable City Lab

The real-time city is real! As layers of networks and digital information blanket urban space, new approaches to the study of the built environment are emerging. The way we describe and understand cities is being radically transformed—as are the tools we use to design them. The mission of the Senseable City Laboratory—a research initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology—is to anticipate these changes and study them from a critical point of view.

Roboat Roboat

Monitour Monitour

MIT Senseable City Lab

Global Village Construction Set


Global Village Construction Set

Hartz IV Möbel


Hartz IV Möbel

Autoprogettazione - Enzo Mari

Mari Mari

WeFarm is a free peer-to-peer service that enables farmers to share information via SMS, without the internet and without having to leave their farm. Farmers can ask questions on farming and receive crowd-sourced answers from other farmers around the world in minutes.

OpenStructures is an open source modular construction model based on a shared geometrical grid, called the OS grid.



Surrealismus bezeichnet eine geistige Bewegung, die sich seit den 1920er Jahren als Lebenshaltung und Lebenskunst gegen traditionelle Normen äußert. Traumhaftes, Unbewusstes, Absurdes und Phantastisches sind hier Merkmale der literarischen, bildnerischen und filmischen Ausdrucksmittel. Auf diese Weise sollen neue Erfahrungen gemacht und neue Erkenntnisse gewonnen werden.

Rene Margitte - Golconda

Handelsblatt - Surrealismus

Consequence Estimator, Johanna Schmeer

Consequence Estimator Consequence Estimator

Johanna Schmeer

Can’t Help Myself, Sun Yuan & Peng Yu



The Golden Institute, Sascha Pohflepp

Golden Institute Golden Institute Golden Institute

Sascha Pohflepp

They Watch The Moon, Travor Paglen

A number of classified military bases and installations are located in some of the remotest parts of the United States, hidden deep in western deserts and buffered by dozens of miles of restricted land. Many of these sites are so remote, in fact, that there is nowhere on Earth where a civilian might be able to see them with an unaided eye. In order to produce images of these remote and hidden landscapes, therefore, some unorthodox viewing and imaging techniques are required. Limit-telephotography involves photographing landscapes that cannot be seen with the unaided eye. The technique employs high powered telescopes whose focal lengths range between 1300mm and 7000mm. At this level of magnification, hidden aspects of the landscape become apparent.

They Watch The Moon They Watch The Moon

Limit Telephotography series

Findling, Timm Ulrichs



Timm Ulrichs Selected Works

The Transformation Machine, Eames

Helikopter, Leonardo Da Vinci


The Walking Dead

Gefängnis. (Überrest der alten Infrastruktur welches auch Zeitgleich für die Protagonisten eine neue wird).


Römisches Aquädukt


The Smoke Signal, Frederic Remington



Bsp. einer Gangan Trommel für (Afrikanische) Trommelsignale:



Calakmul Calakmul

Calakmul Pyramide der Maya und Pyramiden von Gizeh